Exercise For A Healthy Brain


We all know how exercise benefits our physical health, but what about brain health? Did you know that a quick 5-minute bout of physical activity helps to improve mood, combat lethargy, increase focus and productivity, and even dull hunger pains? Working physical activity into and throughout your day is a fantastic way to boost productivity and focus.

Utilizing movement to boost brain function is no empty tip - physical activity actually makes you smarter! Increased heart rate due to exercise pumps more oxygen to the brain, helping to create the perfect environment for brain cell growth. This ideal environment that is produced by activity promotes the growth of new connections between brain cells, thus making you smarter! If you'd like to learn more about the relationship between the brain and exercise, click here.

So, how should you take advantage of this brain-health hack? Many of us don't have time for a full workout every time we experience brain fog. Instead of aiming for a full workout, try incorporating 1-minute mini circuits. Additional great options include a full-body stretch or brisk 5-minute walk around the office or neighborhood.

Whether you have an important deadline to meet, are feeling slow after lunch, or are just experiencing a pesky mental block, you can perform this simple full-body circuit anywhere. Even at your desk! Download the full guide here.