Personal training is the cornerstone of Ghent Fit Norfolk. We have found that working 1 on 1 in our private trainings rooms is the most effective way for clients to reach their health goals.


Each member of our team have a Bachelor’s of Science degree in an exercise related field. Your trainer will develop a program that is customized to you and your unique goals.

Training privately appeals to a wide variety of clients:

  • There’s nothing more frustrating than paying for a gym membership and trainer, only to spend a chunk of your workout waiting for equipment to open-up. With our private training rooms, you will spend your session doing what’s most important- working out!

  • Crowded weight rooms can be intimidating and uncomfortable. Instead of feeling like you have 100 meat heads gawking at you, you can perfect your form and learn a new skill in privacy.

  • Working on balance, posture, and mobility is an important component of training to many of our clients. That’s why minimizing foot-traffic and consistent distractions facilitates productive sessions and safety.

Our primary goal at Ghent Fit Norfolk is for our clients to efficiently achieve their goals while having a great experience! Train in our private rooms with our professional trainers, and discover a love for exercise along the way.